Product Name: Datum
Year Launched: 2014
Major forces are driving change in higher education. Schools, Colleges and universities are struggling to meet rising student expectations, experiment with innovative teaching models and deploy new learning technologies to enhance academic excellence. Amid these changes, institutions of higher education strive to improve the overall student experience while finding ways to make education more affordable.
Datum is a Educational Institutions management system software aimed to make administrative, academic, management works of educational institutions easier. Using this software you will be able to handle all the day to day functions of your institution in a comprehensive manner. Effective infrastructure is essential for supporting institutional goals. We provide a host of infrastructure services that help improve learning outcomes, support decision-making and enhance institutional effectiveness while controlling costs. Datum services include implementing, upgrading and maintaining enterprise applications and infrastructure consolidation.
Web-based maintenance of details of students, parents, and teachers that is complemented by a versatile "Advanced Search" options. Management can access the database globally.
Access to Schools for sending SMS to parents and staff. Options for sending SMS specific to parents of an individual, group, class, or even whole school. Similar to SMS, Schools can also send e-mail to parents.
Offers a simple & easy solution for marking and maintaining attendance online. Instant notification via SMS of any absenteeism to parents. Alerts about homework or any assignment can be sent through SMS.
Fees collection, dues etc are instantly performed. Facility to generate daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports are made simpler.
TC, Conduct Certificates and Bonafide certificates can be printed instantly. Which reduces the time and labour for the manual maintenance of TC records.
Staff Can report the work done Class-wise to the Admin/Principal daily. Staff’s Work Can be monitored by Admin/Principal Online from anywhere.
Both Student, and Staff Timetable can be maintained online. Notification of exam timetable can be sent to parents through SMS. Online access for parents to view exam timetable of their wards.
Marks, rank/grade can be maintained online. Parents can be notified via SMS and e-mail. Parents can view the Rank Card by accessing the online platform.
Automatic reports on teacher performance for management which will be based on the attendance, students' performance, and syllabus coverage. Provides valuable pointers to teachers about their areas of improvemnt.